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1Wharncliffe Arms public house, Nos. 42 - 44 West Street at junction with (centre) Bow Street u12031

Wharncliffe Arms public house, Nos. 42 - 44 West Street at junction with (centre) Bow Street

2Ye Olde Shakespeare Inn (latterly the Brothers Arms public house), No. 106 Well Road, Heeleyt13234

Ye Olde Shakespeare Inn (latterly the Brothers Arms public house), No. 106 Well Road, Heeley

3Haymarket looking down Waingate. Royal Hotel, right, Nos. 23 and 25 Wiley and Co. Ltd, wine and spirit merchants, Old No. 12 Arthur Davy and Sons Ltd., provision merchants, Court House (Old Town Hall), lefts00010

Haymarket looking down Waingate. Royal Hotel, right, Nos. 23 and 25 Wiley and Co. Ltd, wine and spirit merchants, Old No. 12 Arthur Davy and Sons Ltd., provision merchants, Court House (Old Town Hall), left

4Woodseats tram terminus, Chesterfield Road at bottom of Chantrey Road. Electric double deck open top tram (no 239), built 1904, (photograph must be between 1904-9)s00079

Woodseats tram terminus, Chesterfield Road at bottom of Chantrey Road. Electric double deck open top tram (no 239), built 1904, (photograph must be between 1904-9)

5Ranmoor Inn, No 330, Fulwood Road. Ranmoor Road, right (including lodge belonging to Ranmoor Grange)s00094

Ranmoor Inn, No 330, Fulwood Road. Ranmoor Road, right (including lodge belonging to Ranmoor Grange)

6Punch Bowl Inn, No 140, South Street, Moor. Ice cream vendor on rights00100

Punch Bowl Inn, No 140, South Street, Moor. Ice cream vendor on right

7Punch Bowl Hotel, No 140, South Street, Moors00101

Punch Bowl Hotel, No 140, South Street, Moor

8Stag Inn, Market Square, Woodhouses00103

Stag Inn, Market Square, Woodhouse

9Castle Inn, Castle Row, off Twentywell Road, Bradways00105

Castle Inn, Castle Row, off Twentywell Road, Bradway

10Rising Sun Inn, No. 471, Fulwood Road Road, Nethergreen School (also known as Ranmoor School) on lefts00107

Rising Sun Inn, No. 471, Fulwood Road Road, Nethergreen School (also known as Ranmoor School) on left

Found 5497 records.

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