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1Salutation Inn, No.170 Wortley Road, High Green, c.1920t09763

Salutation Inn, No.170 Wortley Road, High Green, c.1920

2George and Dragon public house, Church Street, Ecclesfieldt09780

George and Dragon public house, Church Street, Ecclesfield

3Lansdowne Hotel, Nos. 2 and 4 Lansdowne Road and London Road, at junction of Beeley Street u11103

Lansdowne Hotel, Nos. 2 and 4 Lansdowne Road and London Road, at junction of Beeley Street

4Danville Arms, Grimesthorpe Roadt10216

Danville Arms, Grimesthorpe Road

5Bay Horse Inn, No. 463 Pitsmoor Roadt10225

Bay Horse Inn, No. 463 Pitsmoor Road

6Alexandra Hotel, No. 121 Eldon Street, c. 1930t10238

Alexandra Hotel, No. 121 Eldon Street, c. 1930

7Albion Hotel (latterly the Mill Tavern public house), Nos. 2-4 Earsham Street showing (left) John Heath and Sons, funeral directors, c.1930t10239

Albion Hotel (latterly the Mill Tavern public house), Nos. 2-4 Earsham Street showing (left) John Heath and Sons, funeral directors, c.1930

8Freedom House public house, Nos. 369 - 371 South Roadt10242

Freedom House public house, Nos. 369 - 371 South Road

9Milton Arms, No. 66 Thomas Streett10249

Milton Arms, No. 66 Thomas Street

10Rear of the Angel Inn, No. 59 Sheffield Road, Woodhouse s45618

Rear of the Angel Inn, No. 59 Sheffield Road, Woodhouse

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