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1Royal Hotel, Waingate (left) and corner of Exchange Street (right)y01611

Royal Hotel, Waingate (left) and corner of Exchange Street (right)

2Drinking fountain at the junction of Attercliffe Road and Effingham Road with Nos. 469 - 471 Old Green Dragon public house (also called the Green Dragon) and Baldwin Street in the backgroundy02042

Drinking fountain at the junction of Attercliffe Road and Effingham Road with Nos. 469 - 471 Old Green Dragon public house (also called the Green Dragon) and Baldwin Street in the background

3Black Swan public house (also known as the Mucky Duck), Nos. 39 - 41 Snig Hill y02912

Black Swan public house (also known as the Mucky Duck), Nos. 39 - 41 Snig Hill

4Oughtibridge. White Hart Inn, Mellor's Hill (Orchard Street), c. 1920t05458

Oughtibridge. White Hart Inn, Mellor's Hill (Orchard Street), c. 1920

5Halfway House public house, looking down Station Road at Halfway crossroads.u09712

Halfway House public house, looking down Station Road at Halfway crossroads.

6View showing the top of Fargate at its corner with Leopold Street, 1935. u07652

View showing the top of Fargate at its corner with Leopold Street, 1935.

7Kelvin Grove Hotel, 227-229  Infirmary Roada03537

Kelvin Grove Hotel, 227-229 Infirmary Road

8Grouse and Trout Inn, Redmiresarc02583

Grouse and Trout Inn, Redmires

9Jack (proprietor) and Gladys Shaw (nee Panton) outside the Old Queens Head public house, No. 40 Pond Hillv04945

Jack (proprietor) and Gladys Shaw (nee Panton) outside the Old Queens Head public house, No. 40 Pond Hill

10Railway Inn, Rotherham Road, Beightont09760

Railway Inn, Rotherham Road, Beighton

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