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1Nailmaker's Arms, No. 53 Backmoor Road, Hemsworths06908

Nailmaker's Arms, No. 53 Backmoor Road, Hemsworth

2New Inn (latterly The Water Tower public house), Hemsworth Road and junction (right) with Ashbury Lanes06916

New Inn (latterly The Water Tower public house), Hemsworth Road and junction (right) with Ashbury Lane

3Havana Hotel, Meadow Streets06926

Havana Hotel, Meadow Street

4The Pheasant Inn, junction of Apple Street and Pheasant Yard (to right)s06927

The Pheasant Inn, junction of Apple Street and Pheasant Yard (to right)

5Angel Inn, Nos 18-22, Button Lane, Moorheads06935

Angel Inn, Nos 18-22, Button Lane, Moorhead

6Angel Inn, Nos 18-22, Button Lane, Moorhead, Backfields to rights06937

Angel Inn, Nos 18-22, Button Lane, Moorhead, Backfields to right

7Cambridge Hotel, No 1, Cambridge Streets06967

Cambridge Hotel, No 1, Cambridge Street

8Rear of the old Plough Inn, No.288 Sandygate Road, demolished 1929s06986

Rear of the old Plough Inn, No.288 Sandygate Road, demolished 1929

9The old Plough Inn, No.288  Sandygate Road, demolished 1929. The carved stone over the doorway was dated 1695s06988

The old Plough Inn, No.288 Sandygate Road, demolished 1929. The carved stone over the doorway was dated 1695

10The old Plough Inn, No.288 Sandygate Road, demolished 1929s06989

The old Plough Inn, No.288 Sandygate Road, demolished 1929

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