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1The Albert public house, Nos. 2 - 4 Cambridge Street and Nos. 1 - 3 Division Street. Demolished in the 1970st10231

The Albert public house, Nos. 2 - 4 Cambridge Street and Nos. 1 - 3 Division Street. Demolished in the 1970s

2White Hart Inn, Orchard Street, Oughtibridget10276

White Hart Inn, Orchard Street, Oughtibridge

3Enfield Arms, No.95 Broughton Lane, Attercliffe at junction with (right) Surbiton Streett10279

Enfield Arms, No.95 Broughton Lane, Attercliffe at junction with (right) Surbiton Street

4Angel Inn (formerly Prospect House), No. 59 Sheffield Road, Woodhouse, c.1950t10998

Angel Inn (formerly Prospect House), No. 59 Sheffield Road, Woodhouse, c.1950

5National Fire Service firemen outside the National Fire Service No. 3 Area training centre, Mason's Arms, Bawtry Road, Wickersley. u11168

National Fire Service firemen outside the National Fire Service No. 3 Area training centre, Mason's Arms, Bawtry Road, Wickersley.

6Goole Green House, off Brookhouse Hill, Fulwood, c.1950sp01019

Goole Green House, off Brookhouse Hill, Fulwood, c.1950s

7Rising Sun Inn, No. 471 Fulwood Road, Ranmoorp01020

Rising Sun Inn, No. 471 Fulwood Road, Ranmoor

8The Ball Inn, No. 287 Darnall Road at the junction with (right) Basford Streetp01368

The Ball Inn, No. 287 Darnall Road at the junction with (right) Basford Street

9Possibly the Clarion Ramblers outside the Barrel Inn, Bretton, Eyam s46429

Possibly the Clarion Ramblers outside the Barrel Inn, Bretton, Eyam

10Red Lion public house, No. 972 Gleadless Road, Gleadless Town Endt13704

Red Lion public house, No. 972 Gleadless Road, Gleadless Town End

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