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1Halfway House public house, looking down Station Road at Halfway crossroads showing the bus going to Killamarshs43623

Halfway House public house, looking down Station Road at Halfway crossroads showing the bus going to Killamarsh

2Millhouses Wesleyan Methodist Church and (right) Robin Hood Hotel, junction of Whirlowdale Road and Millhouses Lanew02641

Millhouses Wesleyan Methodist Church and (right) Robin Hood Hotel, junction of Whirlowdale Road and Millhouses Lane

3View of (centre) Hillfoot Bridge from Wood Street showing Neepsend Gasworks and the Farfield Inn, No.376 Neepsend Lane w02672

View of (centre) Hillfoot Bridge from Wood Street showing Neepsend Gasworks and the Farfield Inn, No.376 Neepsend Lane

4Construction of the new Marples Hotel, No. 4 Fitzalan Squarew02688

Construction of the new Marples Hotel, No. 4 Fitzalan Square

5Dove and Rainbow public house, Hartsheadw02718

Dove and Rainbow public house, Hartshead

6Sun Inn, Nos. 76-78 South Street showing Park Hill Flats, Duke Street under constructionw02723

Sun Inn, Nos. 76-78 South Street showing Park Hill Flats, Duke Street under construction

7Old Horns Inn, Towngate, High Bradfieldu11060

Old Horns Inn, Towngate, High Bradfield

8Engineers Hotel, (latterly known as the Dallas Bar and Barrow House), Fife Street and Ecclesfield Road, Low Wincobankt10196

Engineers Hotel, (latterly known as the Dallas Bar and Barrow House), Fife Street and Ecclesfield Road, Low Wincobank

9Acorn Inn, No.516 Burncross Road, Chapleltownt10198

Acorn Inn, No.516 Burncross Road, Chapleltown

10Cobden View Hotel, No. 40 Cobden View Road, Crookest10203

Cobden View Hotel, No. 40 Cobden View Road, Crookes

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