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1View at Hillfoot Bridge showing Farfield Inn, 376 Neepsend Lane with Neepsend Gas Works in the backgroundt07584

View at Hillfoot Bridge showing Farfield Inn, 376 Neepsend Lane with Neepsend Gas Works in the background

2The Hall in the Ponds public house (latterly the Old Queen's Head public house), No. 40 Pond Hill c.1860s36885

The Hall in the Ponds public house (latterly the Old Queen's Head public house), No. 40 Pond Hill c.1860

3Tram No. 265 on Crookes showing No. 236 The Punch Bowl public houses37151

Tram No. 265 on Crookes showing No. 236 The Punch Bowl public house

4Tram No. 259 in Neepsend Lane showing (centre) Crown Inn, (No.116)s41831

Tram No. 259 in Neepsend Lane showing (centre) Crown Inn, (No.116)

5Group of Sheffield people who were emigrating to South Africa. They are pictured in Barkers Pool with 2 ex-army ambulancess43010

Group of Sheffield people who were emigrating to South Africa. They are pictured in Barkers Pool with 2 ex-army ambulances

6Sheephill Road, Ringinglow showing (left) the Ringinglow Round House and (centre) Norfolk Arms public house, Ringinglow Road c.1950'ss43070

Sheephill Road, Ringinglow showing (left) the Ringinglow Round House and (centre) Norfolk Arms public house, Ringinglow Road c.1950's

7Sheephill Road, Ringinglow showing (left) the Ringinglow Round House and (centre) Norfolk Arms public house, Ringinglow Road c.1950'ss43071

Sheephill Road, Ringinglow showing (left) the Ringinglow Round House and (centre) Norfolk Arms public house, Ringinglow Road c.1950's

8Market Place, Chapeltown showing (left) Wagon and Horses public house (No.2) (centre) Station Road and (right) Harlow and Wright, chemists.s43154

Market Place, Chapeltown showing (left) Wagon and Horses public house (No.2) (centre) Station Road and (right) Harlow and Wright, chemists.

9Junction of Station Road (right) Cowley Lane (foreground) and Ecclesfield Road, (left) Chapeltown showing Wagon and Horses public house No.2 Market Places43160

Junction of Station Road (right) Cowley Lane (foreground) and Ecclesfield Road, (left) Chapeltown showing Wagon and Horses public house No.2 Market Place

10Tram No.121 at Hillfoot Bridge, Hillfoot Road, Neepsend showing (centre) Farfield Inn, No.376 Neepsend Lane with Neepsend Gas Works (background)s43544

Tram No.121 at Hillfoot Bridge, Hillfoot Road, Neepsend showing (centre) Farfield Inn, No.376 Neepsend Lane with Neepsend Gas Works (background)

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