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1Old Crown Inn, No. 710 Penistone Road. an old coaching house, with a blacksmith's shop alongside. Mentioned on 1854 O.S. mapsy02255

Old Crown Inn, No. 710 Penistone Road. an old coaching house, with a blacksmith's shop alongside. Mentioned on 1854 O.S. maps

2Waggon and Horses public house and former outbuildings now converted a garage, No. 57 Abbeydale Road South, Millhousesy02651

Waggon and Horses public house and former outbuildings now converted a garage, No. 57 Abbeydale Road South, Millhouses

3Snig Hill showing the sign for The Black Swan Hotel with Corporation Buildings righty02918

Snig Hill showing the sign for The Black Swan Hotel with Corporation Buildings right

4Oughtibridge. The Cock Inn, Bridge Hill from Cock Hill, c. 1950t05376

Oughtibridge. The Cock Inn, Bridge Hill from Cock Hill, c. 1950

5Oughtibridge. The White Hart public house and chemists shop, No. 18 Langsett Road North, 1950t05377

Oughtibridge. The White Hart public house and chemists shop, No. 18 Langsett Road North, 1950

6The White Hart Inn, No, 18 Langsett Road North, 1959t05384

The White Hart Inn, No, 18 Langsett Road North, 1959

7Cock Inn, No. 5 Bridge Hill, Oughtibridge viewed from the bridge over the River Don, 1959t05385

Cock Inn, No. 5 Bridge Hill, Oughtibridge viewed from the bridge over the River Don, 1959

8Middlewood Tavern, No. 316 Middlewood Road North, c. 1950t05464

Middlewood Tavern, No. 316 Middlewood Road North, c. 1950

9Inscription revealed by the removal of a panel at the Big Tree Hotel, No. 842 Chesterfield Road (made by T. B. and W. Cockayne, department store, 1885)arc00298

Inscription revealed by the removal of a panel at the Big Tree Hotel, No. 842 Chesterfield Road (made by T. B. and W. Cockayne, department store, 1885)

10Crosspool Tavern, No. 468 Manchester Roadu08686

Crosspool Tavern, No. 468 Manchester Road

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