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1Old Queen Head public house (formerly the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Ponds Hill showing head on outside wall - after restorationy00848

Old Queen Head public house (formerly the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Ponds Hill showing head on outside wall - after restoration

2Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head on outside wall, before restorationy00849

Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head on outside wall, before restoration

3Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head at top of cellar steps, after restorationy00850

Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head at top of cellar steps, after restoration

4Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head at top of cellar steps, after restorationy00851

Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head at top of cellar steps, after restoration

5Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head at top of cellar steps, after restorationy00852

Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head at top of cellar steps, after restoration

6Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill head on outside wally00853

Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill head on outside wall

7Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head on wally00855

Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head on wall

8Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head on wally00856

Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - head on wall

9Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill during renovationsy00861

Old Queen Head public house, (previously the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill during renovations

10Barkers Pool and Cambridge Street decorated for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Nos 2-4, Cambridge Street, Albert public house, in backgroundy01288

Barkers Pool and Cambridge Street decorated for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Nos 2-4, Cambridge Street, Albert public house, in background

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