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1The Albion public house, No. 4 Mitchell Street (later became Brook Drive) looking towards Upper Allen Streety00019

The Albion public house, No. 4 Mitchell Street (later became Brook Drive) looking towards Upper Allen Street

2Broomhall Street and corner of Thomas Street, Broomhall Tavern on corner (Nos. 105-107), Albert Inn (No 113) and Viners Ltd., in distancey00022

Broomhall Street and corner of Thomas Street, Broomhall Tavern on corner (Nos. 105-107), Albert Inn (No 113) and Viners Ltd., in distance

3Junction of Norfolk Street and Surrey Street, No. 117 Hibbert Bros., fine art dealers, Nos. 111 - 113 Norfolk Cafe, No. 109 Brown Bear public housey00023

Junction of Norfolk Street and Surrey Street, No. 117 Hibbert Bros., fine art dealers, Nos. 111 - 113 Norfolk Cafe, No. 109 Brown Bear public house

4Cambridge Street including No. 38 Barleycorn public house, No. 34 Sheffield Metal Co. Ltd., spoon and fork manufacturers, No. 32 old Bethel Chapel Sunday Schooly00491

Cambridge Street including No. 38 Barleycorn public house, No. 34 Sheffield Metal Co. Ltd., spoon and fork manufacturers, No. 32 old Bethel Chapel Sunday School

5Premises on Button Lane from Furnival Street, Moorhead, centre, The Moor, left, (foreground), Nos. 18 - 20 Roberts Brothers Ltd., No. 22 Angel Inn, No. 24 Evans and Green, confectioners, No 26, Skidmores, pork butchersy00497

Premises on Button Lane from Furnival Street, Moorhead, centre, The Moor, left, (foreground), Nos. 18 - 20 Roberts Brothers Ltd., No. 22 Angel Inn, No. 24 Evans and Green, confectioners, No 26, Skidmores, pork butchers

6Crimean Monument, Moorhead, looking towards Pinstone Street, Nelson Hotely00499

Crimean Monument, Moorhead, looking towards Pinstone Street, Nelson Hotel

7Moorhead looking towards Button Lane and Crimean Monumenty00506

Moorhead looking towards Button Lane and Crimean Monument

8Old Grindstone Inn, No 3, Crookes, from Lydgate Lane, Crookes Road, right, in backgroundy00604

Old Grindstone Inn, No 3, Crookes, from Lydgate Lane, Crookes Road, right, in background

9Old Queen's Head public house (formerly the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill showing carved 'table' in 14th Century styley00845

Old Queen's Head public house (formerly the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill showing carved 'table' in 14th Century style

10Old Queen's Head public house (formerly the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - after restorationy00846

Old Queen's Head public house (formerly the Hall in the Ponds), No. 40 Pond Hill - after restoration

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