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1Nailmakers Arms, No. 53 Backmoor Road, Hemswortht01880

Nailmakers Arms, No. 53 Backmoor Road, Hemsworth

2Sheffield Lane Top via Pitsmoor bound tram No. 118 and No. 17 bus on Waingate looking towards the junction with Bridge Street and Lady's Bridge with policeman on point duty showing Tennents Exchange Brewery and Lady's Bridge Hotelt03148

Sheffield Lane Top via Pitsmoor bound tram No. 118 and No. 17 bus on Waingate looking towards the junction with Bridge Street and Lady's Bridge with policeman on point duty showing Tennents Exchange Brewery and Lady's Bridge Hotel

3South Road, Walkley showing (left) Nos. 369 - 371 Freedom House public houseu00151

South Road, Walkley showing (left) Nos. 369 - 371 Freedom House public house

4No 51, South Street, Park, looking towards junction with Anson Street and Park Liberal Club, former Reindeer public house, rightu00253

No 51, South Street, Park, looking towards junction with Anson Street and Park Liberal Club, former Reindeer public house, right

5Button Lane, Harry Polan and Co. Ltd. lead pipe manufacturers, 262 Rockingham Street (Wentworth Lead Works), former Wentworth House public houseu00842

Button Lane, Harry Polan and Co. Ltd. lead pipe manufacturers, 262 Rockingham Street (Wentworth Lead Works), former Wentworth House public house

6Nos 17-23, Arley Street at junction of Sheldon Street. Nos 21-23, u00962

Nos 17-23, Arley Street at junction of Sheldon Street. Nos 21-23,

7Hartley Marsland Ltd., office furnishers and Hartley and Son Ltd., printers and stationers, Nos. 566-8; entrance to Courts 24 and 26 and No. 548 Robin Hood public house (extreme right), Attercliffe Roadu04494

Hartley Marsland Ltd., office furnishers and Hartley and Son Ltd., printers and stationers, Nos. 566-8; entrance to Courts 24 and 26 and No. 548 Robin Hood public house (extreme right), Attercliffe Road

8Nos. 776-90 etc., Attercliffe Road from the junction with Worksop Road, showing the Travellers Inn (tall building)u04495

Nos. 776-90 etc., Attercliffe Road from the junction with Worksop Road, showing the Travellers Inn (tall building)

9Delivery from Tennant Brothers Ltd., Exchange Brewery to George Hotel, Hathersagev00077

Delivery from Tennant Brothers Ltd., Exchange Brewery to George Hotel, Hathersage

10Greenhill Main Road showing No 27, White Hart Inn and No 25, Mrs Nellie Kelly's Cottage (ex-landlady of White Hart), now demolishedv01310

Greenhill Main Road showing No 27, White Hart Inn and No 25, Mrs Nellie Kelly's Cottage (ex-landlady of White Hart), now demolished

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