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1Boys from Wadsley Bridge Council School crossing Penistone Road North with the Gate Inn and the sign for the Travellers Inn in the backgroundt00409

Boys from Wadsley Bridge Council School crossing Penistone Road North with the Gate Inn and the sign for the Travellers Inn in the background

2No. 246, Hanover Street looking towards junction with Bangor Street, Nos. 242 - 244, Sheldon Hotel, former Old Albion public houset00480

No. 246, Hanover Street looking towards junction with Bangor Street, Nos. 242 - 244, Sheldon Hotel, former Old Albion public house

3Fowler Street at junction with Marshall Street, with No. 38, Guard's Rest public house.(demolished 1960), on the cornert00501

Fowler Street at junction with Marshall Street, with No. 38, Guard's Rest public house.(demolished 1960), on the corner

4Guard's Rest public house, No. 36 Fowler Street, showing bulge in passage wallt00502

Guard's Rest public house, No. 36 Fowler Street, showing bulge in passage wall

5Nos. 36 - 38 Fowler Street, Burngreave, showing cracks and settlement in walls of (left) No. 38 Guard's Rest public house, leftt00504

Nos. 36 - 38 Fowler Street, Burngreave, showing cracks and settlement in walls of (left) No. 38 Guard's Rest public house, left

6Nos. 54, White Lion public house (extreme left), 52 - 48, back to back housing and 46 (extreme right), Woodside Lane. Demolished Feb. 1960t01032

Nos. 54, White Lion public house (extreme left), 52 - 48, back to back housing and 46 (extreme right), Woodside Lane. Demolished Feb. 1960

7Nos. 52, No. 54, White Lion public house, 56, grocers, etc., Woodside Lane. Demolished Feb. 1960t01046

Nos. 52, No. 54, White Lion public house, 56, grocers, etc., Woodside Lane. Demolished Feb. 1960

8Ye Olde Carbrook Hall Hotel, No. 537 Attercliffe Common from the playground off Bright Streett01600

Ye Olde Carbrook Hall Hotel, No. 537 Attercliffe Common from the playground off Bright Street

9Old Queen's Head, Pond Hill, formerly the Hall in the Ponds, No. 40 Pond Hillt01611

Old Queen's Head, Pond Hill, formerly the Hall in the Ponds, No. 40 Pond Hill

10Side view of Pump Tavern, Earl Streett01879

Side view of Pump Tavern, Earl Street

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