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1Royal Oak public house, No. 44 High Street, Beighton. Market used to be held on ground to rights22055

Royal Oak public house, No. 44 High Street, Beighton. Market used to be held on ground to right

2Cumberland's Head public house, No. 35 High Street, Beighton, at junction of Tye Roads22056

Cumberland's Head public house, No. 35 High Street, Beighton, at junction of Tye Road

3Black Swan public house, Nos. 39 - 41 Snig Hills22225

Black Swan public house, Nos. 39 - 41 Snig Hill

4The Angel Hotel, Angel Streets22448

The Angel Hotel, Angel Street

5View from Hyde Park, looking towards City Centre. Cricket Inn Road, City Goods Station and Wharf Street Goods Depot in foreground, note the hydraulic power tower, centre. Durham Ox, rights22654

View from Hyde Park, looking towards City Centre. Cricket Inn Road, City Goods Station and Wharf Street Goods Depot in foreground, note the hydraulic power tower, centre. Durham Ox, right

6Marples Hotel, No. 4 Fitzalan Square from the junction with Haymarket and (foreground) High Streets23248

Marples Hotel, No. 4 Fitzalan Square from the junction with Haymarket and (foreground) High Street

7Lyceum Hotel, Nos. 151 - 153 Langsett Road at the junction with King James Streets25924

Lyceum Hotel, Nos. 151 - 153 Langsett Road at the junction with King James Street

8Tram No. 109 approaching Duke Street Flats with No. 86, Robin Hood public house with Embassy Court in the backgrounds26150

Tram No. 109 approaching Duke Street Flats with No. 86, Robin Hood public house with Embassy Court in the background

9Tram No. 289 travelling past No. 108, Manchester Hotel and John Aizelwood Ltd., flour miller, Crown Flour Mill, Nursery Street with Bridgehouses Goods Station in the background (1955-1960)s26250

Tram No. 289 travelling past No. 108, Manchester Hotel and John Aizelwood Ltd., flour miller, Crown Flour Mill, Nursery Street with Bridgehouses Goods Station in the background (1955-1960)

10Star and Garter Hotel, Nos. 82 - 84, Winter Street from the junction with Weston Street looking towards Winter Street Hospital,s27377

Star and Garter Hotel, Nos. 82 - 84, Winter Street from the junction with Weston Street looking towards Winter Street Hospital,

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