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1Salutation Inn and Continental Cafe, No.126 Attercliffe Common and the junction of Coleridge Road and Amberley Streets13127

Salutation Inn and Continental Cafe, No.126 Attercliffe Common and the junction of Coleridge Road and Amberley Street

2Attercliffe Common, 292-298 Cosy Furnishing Co., furniture dealers, No. 300 Gallon's Ltd, grocer on the left. No. 302 John Carrigan's, pet store and The Lambpool Hotel visible on the rights13132

Attercliffe Common, 292-298 Cosy Furnishing Co., furniture dealers, No. 300 Gallon's Ltd, grocer on the left. No. 302 John Carrigan's, pet store and The Lambpool Hotel visible on the right

3Streetscene on Attercliffe Road with properties including No. 570 Sheffield Savings Bank, Nos. 566 - 568 Hartley and Son Ltd. and No. 548 Robin Hood public houses13157

Streetscene on Attercliffe Road with properties including No. 570 Sheffield Savings Bank, Nos. 566 - 568 Hartley and Son Ltd. and No. 548 Robin Hood public house

4Streetscene on Attercliffe Road with properties including No. 570 Sheffield Savings Bank, Nos. 566 - 568 Hartley and Son Ltd. and No. 548 Robin Hood public houses13158

Streetscene on Attercliffe Road with properties including No. 570 Sheffield Savings Bank, Nos. 566 - 568 Hartley and Son Ltd. and No. 548 Robin Hood public house

5Albert Hall after the fire (left with scaffolding) and War Memorial, Barker's Pool, Albert  Hotel and Cambridge Hotel, Cambridge Streets13296

Albert Hall after the fire (left with scaffolding) and War Memorial, Barker's Pool, Albert Hotel and Cambridge Hotel, Cambridge Street

6Barnsley Road, Sheffield Lane Top Terminus, showing properties including No. 822 Pheasant Inns13344

Barnsley Road, Sheffield Lane Top Terminus, showing properties including No. 822 Pheasant Inn

7Elevated view of Bellhouse Road looking towards the Flower Estate with shops, National Provincial Bank, (No. 127) Wharncliffe Hotel and St. Hilda's Church in views13467

Elevated view of Bellhouse Road looking towards the Flower Estate with shops, National Provincial Bank, (No. 127) Wharncliffe Hotel and St. Hilda's Church in view

8Bramall Lane, No. 32 Queen Adelaide Hotel, No. 36 W.F. Caudle, upholsterer, No. 38 William Lindley, No. 40 Mary Wilson and Remploy Ltd., engineerss13701

Bramall Lane, No. 32 Queen Adelaide Hotel, No. 36 W.F. Caudle, upholsterer, No. 38 William Lindley, No. 40 Mary Wilson and Remploy Ltd., engineers

9Demolition of buildings on Bramall Lane and Hermitage Street, Queen Adelaide Hotel on lefts13703

Demolition of buildings on Bramall Lane and Hermitage Street, Queen Adelaide Hotel on left

10Brown Street at corner of Furnival Street, Rutland Arms, left, Hatfield Ernest W. Ltd., garage, No. 55, Brown Street, rights13898

Brown Street at corner of Furnival Street, Rutland Arms, left, Hatfield Ernest W. Ltd., garage, No. 55, Brown Street, right

Found 5497 records.

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