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1Moorhead looking towards Pinstone Street including Nelson Hotel, Crimean Monument and Passenger Transport Enquiry Offices. Button Lane on extreme lefts00388

Moorhead looking towards Pinstone Street including Nelson Hotel, Crimean Monument and Passenger Transport Enquiry Offices. Button Lane on extreme left

2Public house entertainment at The Marples Hotel, No. 4 Fitzalan Squares02038

Public house entertainment at The Marples Hotel, No. 4 Fitzalan Square

3Hunt meet at the Crown Inn, Hillfoot Road, Totleys04114

Hunt meet at the Crown Inn, Hillfoot Road, Totley

4Old Queen's Head public house (formerly the Hall in the Pond), No. 40 Pond Hills05464

Old Queen's Head public house (formerly the Hall in the Pond), No. 40 Pond Hill

5Sportsman Inn, No. 100 Walkley Bank Roadu09810

Sportsman Inn, No. 100 Walkley Bank Road

6Cross Daggers Inn, No 14, Market Square, Woodhouse. Date over door is 1658s06880

Cross Daggers Inn, No 14, Market Square, Woodhouse. Date over door is 1658

7Worral Coat-of-Arms over doorway of Strines Inn, Mortimer Road, also known as Taylor's Armss06980

Worral Coat-of-Arms over doorway of Strines Inn, Mortimer Road, also known as Taylor's Arms

8Strines Inn, Mortimer Road, also known as Taylor's Armss06981

Strines Inn, Mortimer Road, also known as Taylor's Arms

9Worral Coat-of-Arms over doorway of Strines Inn, Mortimer Road, also known as Taylor's Armss06982

Worral Coat-of-Arms over doorway of Strines Inn, Mortimer Road, also known as Taylor's Arms

10Fox House Inn, Hathersage Road. Dated 1690 in one room. Originally a farmhouse, rebuilt in Tudor style by the then Duke of Rutland at the time of the building of Longshaw Lodges07075

Fox House Inn, Hathersage Road. Dated 1690 in one room. Originally a farmhouse, rebuilt in Tudor style by the then Duke of Rutland at the time of the building of Longshaw Lodge

Found 5497 records.

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