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1W.A. Tyzack and Co. Ltd., scythe manufacturers, Clay Wheel Forge (also known as Hawksley), River Don at Wadsley. Photograph taken when Tyzack's were giving up the tenancy, and Messrs. Dunford and Elliott were intending to demolish worksy01436

W.A. Tyzack and Co. Ltd., scythe manufacturers, Clay Wheel Forge (also known as Hawksley), River Don at Wadsley. Photograph taken when Tyzack's were giving up the tenancy, and Messrs. Dunford and Elliott were intending to demolish works

2Waterwheel at W.A. Tyzack and Co. Ltd., scythe manufacturers, Clay Wheel Forge (also known as Hawksley), River Don at Wadsley. Photograph taken when Tyzack's were giving up the tenancy, and Messrs. Dunford and Elliott were intending to demolish worky01438

Waterwheel at W.A. Tyzack and Co. Ltd., scythe manufacturers, Clay Wheel Forge (also known as Hawksley), River Don at Wadsley. Photograph taken when Tyzack's were giving up the tenancy, and Messrs. Dunford and Elliott were intending to demolish work

3Waterwheel at W.A. Tyzack and Co. Ltd., scythe manufacturers, Clay Wheel Forge (also known as Hawksley), River Don at Wadsley. Photograph taken when Tyzack's were giving up the tenancy, and Messrs. Dunford and Elliott were intending to demolish worky01440

Waterwheel at W.A. Tyzack and Co. Ltd., scythe manufacturers, Clay Wheel Forge (also known as Hawksley), River Don at Wadsley. Photograph taken when Tyzack's were giving up the tenancy, and Messrs. Dunford and Elliott were intending to demolish work

4Nether Cut Wheel, (New Wheel) Rivelin Valleyy01446

Nether Cut Wheel, (New Wheel) Rivelin Valley

5Nether Cut Wheel (or New Wheel), Rivelin Valleyy01449

Nether Cut Wheel (or New Wheel), Rivelin Valley

6Nether Cut Wheel (or New Wheel), Rivelin Valleyy01452

Nether Cut Wheel (or New Wheel), Rivelin Valley

7Roof of Nether Cut Wheel (or New Wheel), Rivelin Valleyy01455

Roof of Nether Cut Wheel (or New Wheel), Rivelin Valley

8Nether Cut Wheel (or New Wheel) and overgrown Dam, Rivelin Valleyy01456

Nether Cut Wheel (or New Wheel) and overgrown Dam, Rivelin Valley

9Display of scissors made by Champion Scissors Ltd., Petre Street, Burngreavey01730

Display of scissors made by Champion Scissors Ltd., Petre Street, Burngreave

10Cam-driven blowing cylinders, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy01953

Cam-driven blowing cylinders, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

Found 1673 records.

Page of 168.