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1Interior of Crucible Steel Melting Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00981

Interior of Crucible Steel Melting Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

2Interior of Crucible Steel Melting Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00982

Interior of Crucible Steel Melting Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

3Grinders belt drum, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00983

Grinders belt drum, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

4Grinders belt drum, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00984

Grinders belt drum, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

5Stable door, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00985

Stable door, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

6Dr. Dickenson at Jessopp's tilt hammers. Warehouse in background, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00986

Dr. Dickenson at Jessopp's tilt hammers. Warehouse in background, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

7Interior of Crucible Steel Melting Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00987

Interior of Crucible Steel Melting Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

8Dr. Dickenson inspects a weight indicator by George Smilter, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00988

Dr. Dickenson inspects a weight indicator by George Smilter, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

9Tilt Hammer in Scythe Forging Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00989

Tilt Hammer in Scythe Forging Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

10Erection of Jessopp's Tilt Hammers (before erection), Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00990

Erection of Jessopp's Tilt Hammers (before erection), Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

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