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1Warehouse and rear of stables, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum, Jessopp's Tilt Hammers, righty00971

Warehouse and rear of stables, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum, Jessopp's Tilt Hammers, right

2Grinders shop, foreground, left, gatehouse, right and cottages, background. Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlety00972

Grinders shop, foreground, left, gatehouse, right and cottages, background. Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet

3Tyzack's Dam looking towards Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00973

Tyzack's Dam looking towards Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

4Waterwheel, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00974

Waterwheel, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

5Jessopp's Tilt Hammers, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00975

Jessopp's Tilt Hammers, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

6Jessopp's Tilt Hammers, Crucible Steel Shop, right. Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00976

Jessopp's Tilt Hammers, Crucible Steel Shop, right. Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

7Jessopp's Tilt Hammers, Warehouse in background. Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00977

Jessopp's Tilt Hammers, Warehouse in background. Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

8Part of Jessopp's Tilt Hammers, Warehouse in background. Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00978

Part of Jessopp's Tilt Hammers, Warehouse in background. Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

9Steam engine outside the Grinder's Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00979

Steam engine outside the Grinder's Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

10Interior of Crucible Steel Melting Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumy00980

Interior of Crucible Steel Melting Shop, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

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