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1Final Inspection of cutlery before packing at Mappin and Webb Ltd.s02492

Final Inspection of cutlery before packing at Mappin and Webb Ltd.

2Preview of the Sheffield made cutlery to be shown in the 'Sheffield On Its Mettle' Exhibitions03673

Preview of the Sheffield made cutlery to be shown in the 'Sheffield On Its Mettle' Exhibition

3Mrs. Isabella Fox, aged 36, a buffer girl since the age of 14s08820

Mrs. Isabella Fox, aged 36, a buffer girl since the age of 14

4The staff of Champion (Scissors) Ltd., scissor manufacturers, Petre Streets09385

The staff of Champion (Scissors) Ltd., scissor manufacturers, Petre Street

5Alfred Scott, wholesale upholsterer manufacturer, Green Lane Workss09771

Alfred Scott, wholesale upholsterer manufacturer, Green Lane Works

6William Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., old crucible melting furnaces taken from the scythe departments09889

William Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., old crucible melting furnaces taken from the scythe department

7William Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., looking towards the General Offices09890

William Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., looking towards the General Office

8Year Knife, 1957 blade being added, by Mr. Stan Holmes, Manager of Penknife Dept., Joseph Rodgers and Sons Ltd.s10101

Year Knife, 1957 blade being added, by Mr. Stan Holmes, Manager of Penknife Dept., Joseph Rodgers and Sons Ltd.

9Cutlery manufacture, Model Plating Units10176

Cutlery manufacture, Model Plating Unit

10Cutlery manufacture, knife handle boring at W. Gillott and Son, pearl cutters, Pearl Works, Nos.17-21 Eyre Lanes10184

Cutlery manufacture, knife handle boring at W. Gillott and Son, pearl cutters, Pearl Works, Nos.17-21 Eyre Lane

Found 1673 records.

Page of 168.