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1Viners Ltd., electro plate manufacturers, at junction with (foreground) Hanover Way and (right) Egerton Streets44182

Viners Ltd., electro plate manufacturers, at junction with (foreground) Hanover Way and (right) Egerton Street

2Hanover Way showing (right) Viners Ltd., electro plate manufacturerss44190

Hanover Way showing (right) Viners Ltd., electro plate manufacturers

3Viners Ltd., electro plate manufacturers, Hanover Ways44181

Viners Ltd., electro plate manufacturers, Hanover Way

4Shops on Howard Street showing (r. to l.) No.44 County Studios, photographers, No.46 Harlequin Fish Bar, No.48 Sheffield City Polytechnic accommodation centre and No.50 Cyril Schofield (Wholesale) Ltd.,cutlery manufacturerst08906

Shops on Howard Street showing (r. to l.) No.44 County Studios, photographers, No.46 Harlequin Fish Bar, No.48 Sheffield City Polytechnic accommodation centre and No.50 Cyril Schofield (Wholesale) Ltd.,cutlery manufacturers

5Carver Street showing (left) St. Matthew's C.of E.Church and (No.45) Samuel Staniforth Ltd., cutlery forgerss44734

Carver Street showing (left) St. Matthew's C.of E.Church and (No.45) Samuel Staniforth Ltd., cutlery forgers

6Unidentified possibly a cutlery workeru10940

Unidentified possibly a cutlery worker

7Jessop tilt hammer, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., after restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumt09148

Jessop tilt hammer, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., after restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

8Jessop tilt hammers, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., after restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumt09149

Jessop tilt hammers, Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., after restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

9Junction of (left) Charles Street and (right) Arundel Gate showing (centre) Norfolk Valet Service, No.153 Arundel Gate and (left) Eyre Plating and Cutlery Ltd., Charles Streett09179

Junction of (left) Charles Street and (right) Arundel Gate showing (centre) Norfolk Valet Service, No.153 Arundel Gate and (left) Eyre Plating and Cutlery Ltd., Charles Street

10Jessop and Smith Ltd., cutlery forgers, Sidney Street at junction with Matilda Streett10403

Jessop and Smith Ltd., cutlery forgers, Sidney Street at junction with Matilda Street

Found 1673 records.

Page of 168.