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1Mr Truelove, hand forging tea planters's pruning knife, Greenhills42896

Mr Truelove, hand forging tea planters's pruning knife, Greenhill

2A. Turner, farrier's knife forger, Hollis Crofts42897

A. Turner, farrier's knife forger, Hollis Croft

3Mrs Doris Walsh, a 'little mester' acid engravers42901

Mrs Doris Walsh, a 'little mester' acid engraver

4A. Craven, blade forgers42909

A. Craven, blade forger

5Mirror polishing, Westall Richardson Ltd., Regent Cutlery Works, Upper Allen Streets42910

Mirror polishing, Westall Richardson Ltd., Regent Cutlery Works, Upper Allen Street

6Tommy Reilly, cutlery press operators42916

Tommy Reilly, cutlery press operator

7Polishing cutlery, Viners Ltd., Broomhall Streets42917

Polishing cutlery, Viners Ltd., Broomhall Street

8Mirror polishing of knife blades at Spear and Jackson Ltd.s42921

Mirror polishing of knife blades at Spear and Jackson Ltd.

9Richards of Sheffield (formerly Richards Brothers and Sons Ltd), cutlery manufacturers, No.55 Moore Streets43210

Richards of Sheffield (formerly Richards Brothers and Sons Ltd), cutlery manufacturers, No.55 Moore Street

10Preparing a grinding wheel. Cutting grooves with a diamond point in a grinding wheel for making serrations in knivess43222

Preparing a grinding wheel. Cutting grooves with a diamond point in a grinding wheel for making serrations in knives

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Page of 168.