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1Charlie Baxter, silversmiths37970

Charlie Baxter, silversmith

2Charles Kirkby and Sons Ltd, cabinet case manufacturers, Arundel Case Works, No.123 Arundel Street s38184

Charles Kirkby and Sons Ltd, cabinet case manufacturers, Arundel Case Works, No.123 Arundel Street

3Caledonia Works, Mappin Street, former premises of William Turner and Sons, steel files and edge tools s38439

Caledonia Works, Mappin Street, former premises of William Turner and Sons, steel files and edge tools

4Richards Brothers and Sons Ltd. (latterly Richards of Sheffield), cutlery manufacturers, No.55 Moore Streets38457

Richards Brothers and Sons Ltd. (latterly Richards of Sheffield), cutlery manufacturers, No.55 Moore Street

5Spring Researc  and Manufacturers Association and Cutlery and Allied Trades Research Association, Henry Street, Netherthorpe s39278

Spring Researc and Manufacturers Association and Cutlery and Allied Trades Research Association, Henry Street, Netherthorpe

6The Wee Cutlery Shop, No. 36a Howard Streets39701

The Wee Cutlery Shop, No. 36a Howard Street

7Year knife produced by Joseph Rodgers and Sons Ltds39942

Year knife produced by Joseph Rodgers and Sons Ltd

8Forks on display in the Cutlers Hall, Church Streets40018

Forks on display in the Cutlers Hall, Church Street

9Cutlery used for the Denby Dale Pie, manufactured by George Ibberson and Co.s40020

Cutlery used for the Denby Dale Pie, manufactured by George Ibberson and Co.

10Japanese cutlery delegation to Sheffields40141

Japanese cutlery delegation to Sheffield

Found 1673 records.

Page of 168.