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1Keith Tyssen, silverworkers33997

Keith Tyssen, silverworker

2Mrs D. Walsh, acid etchers34001

Mrs D. Walsh, acid etcher

3Telephone Buildings, corner of West Street, Pinfold Street and Holly Street as seen from Trippet Lane showing Walter Trickett and Co.Ltd., spoons, forks and cutlery, Anglo Works, No.27 Trippet Lane and corner of Holly Street and West Bank Lanes34293

Telephone Buildings, corner of West Street, Pinfold Street and Holly Street as seen from Trippet Lane showing Walter Trickett and Co.Ltd., spoons, forks and cutlery, Anglo Works, No.27 Trippet Lane and corner of Holly Street and West Bank Lane

4Mr Scarlett, the last bone merchant of Scarlett and Whiting, bone cutters, No.191 Rockingham Streetu09888

Mr Scarlett, the last bone merchant of Scarlett and Whiting, bone cutters, No.191 Rockingham Street

5Mr Scarlett, the last bone merchant of Scarlett and Whiting, bone cutters, No.191 Rockingham Streebu09889

Mr Scarlett, the last bone merchant of Scarlett and Whiting, bone cutters, No.191 Rockingham Streeb

6Demolition of George Wostenholm and Son Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, Washington Works, No. 97 Wellington Streets36064

Demolition of George Wostenholm and Son Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, Washington Works, No. 97 Wellington Street

7Derelict property on No.128 Moore Street showing former premises of A. Davies and Co.(Cutlers) Ltds36252

Derelict property on No.128 Moore Street showing former premises of A. Davies and Co.(Cutlers) Ltd

8Derelict property on No.128 Moore Street showing former premises of A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd.s36253

Derelict property on No.128 Moore Street showing former premises of A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd.

9Needham, Veall and Tyzack, cutlery and electro-plate manufacturers, Eye Witness Works, Milton Street s36485

Needham, Veall and Tyzack, cutlery and electro-plate manufacturers, Eye Witness Works, Milton Street

10Cutler's buffs and glazers, Butcher Works, No.72 Arundel Streets36499

Cutler's buffs and glazers, Butcher Works, No.72 Arundel Street

Found 1673 records.

Page of 168.