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1Demolition of Gregory Brothers, cutlery manufacturers, Balmoral Works, Matilda Streets33679

Demolition of Gregory Brothers, cutlery manufacturers, Balmoral Works, Matilda Street

2Eric Wragg, cutler, in his workshop, No. 100 West Streets33728

Eric Wragg, cutler, in his workshop, No. 100 West Street

3M. Bernard and Son Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, Duracut Works, No. 60 Rockingham Street at junction with St.Thomas Lanes33746

M. Bernard and Son Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, Duracut Works, No. 60 Rockingham Street at junction with St.Thomas Lane

4Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum s33924

Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

5Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum s33925

Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

6Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum s33926

Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

7Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum s33927

Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

8Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum s33928

Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

9Tilt hammer at Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum s33929

Tilt hammer at Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

10Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum s33930

Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to restoration and becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

Found 1673 records.

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