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1W. Fearnehough Ltd., Garden Street Works - part of machine shop, where modern planing, drilling and milling machinery are installed, 1960sy04212

W. Fearnehough Ltd., Garden Street Works - part of machine shop, where modern planing, drilling and milling machinery are installed, 1960s

2Worker at Jessop and Smith's Albert Works, Sidney Street annealing knife blades. 1970s. a01155

Worker at Jessop and Smith's Albert Works, Sidney Street annealing knife blades. 1970s.

3Buffing spoons at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Roadu09185

Buffing spoons at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Road

4Hand-polishing cutlery at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Roadu09186

Hand-polishing cutlery at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Road

5Buffing cutlery at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Roadu09187

Buffing cutlery at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Road

6Wrapping cutlery at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Roadu09188

Wrapping cutlery at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Road

7Brian Slack using a Laycock's polishing machine at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Roadu09190

Brian Slack using a Laycock's polishing machine at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Road

8Polishing cutlery at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Roadu09189

Polishing cutlery at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Road

9Sand buffing cutlery at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Roadu09191

Sand buffing cutlery at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Road

10Worker at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Roadu09192

Worker at A. Davies and Co. (Cutlers) Ltd., No. 27 Leadmill Road

Found 1673 records.

Page of 168.