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1Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works wereu03445

Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works were

2Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works wereu03446

Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works were

3Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Stree no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works wereu03447

Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Stree no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works were

4Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works wereu03448

Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works were

5Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works wereu03449

Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works were

6Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works wereu03450

Penknife manufacturer, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works were

7Penknife manufacturer George Boddington, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works wereu03451

Penknife manufacturer George Boddington, at time of occupant's retirement in 1970s believed to be Beehive Works, rear of Moore Street no mention of Beehive Works can be found probably No. 124, Moore Street, where several cutlery works were

8Pocket knife assembly at Richards of Sheffield (formerly Richards Brothers and Sons Ltd.), cutlery manufacturers, No. 55 Moore Streetu04009

Pocket knife assembly at Richards of Sheffield (formerly Richards Brothers and Sons Ltd.), cutlery manufacturers, No. 55 Moore Street

9Pocket knife production, Stanley Shaw, cutler, No. 48 Garden Streetu04056

Pocket knife production, Stanley Shaw, cutler, No. 48 Garden Street

10George Watts, Sheffield's last knife forger, when he died in 1985 an ancient trade became extinctu04077

George Watts, Sheffield's last knife forger, when he died in 1985 an ancient trade became extinct

Found 1673 records.

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