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1Viners Ltd., electro plate manufacturers, Broomhall Street and Clarence Streets13855

Viners Ltd., electro plate manufacturers, Broomhall Street and Clarence Street

2Broomhall Street with Viners Ltd., on rights13858

Broomhall Street with Viners Ltd., on right

3Demolition of buildings on Broomhall Street, Viners Ltd., electro plate manufacturers in distances13860

Demolition of buildings on Broomhall Street, Viners Ltd., electro plate manufacturers in distance

4Cambridge Street showing No. 28 Brook Bros. Ltd., electro platers (Albert Works), No. 30 George Binns Ltd., outfitters, No. 32 old Bethel Chapel Sunday School, No. 34 Sheffield Metal Co. Ltd., spoon and fork manufacturers, No. 38 Barleycorn P.H.s14012

Cambridge Street showing No. 28 Brook Bros. Ltd., electro platers (Albert Works), No. 30 George Binns Ltd., outfitters, No. 32 old Bethel Chapel Sunday School, No. 34 Sheffield Metal Co. Ltd., spoon and fork manufacturers, No. 38 Barleycorn P.H.

5Former premises of Harrison Brothers and Howson, cutlery manufacturers, Alpha House, No. 10 Carver Streets14148

Former premises of Harrison Brothers and Howson, cutlery manufacturers, Alpha House, No. 10 Carver Street

6Rear of Butchers Works, occupied by several cutlery manufacturers, frontage to Arundel Streets14288

Rear of Butchers Works, occupied by several cutlery manufacturers, frontage to Arundel Street

7Charter Row looking towards Fitzwilliam Gate, John Atkinson Ltd., department store, left, Richards Bros and Sons Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, rears14304

Charter Row looking towards Fitzwilliam Gate, John Atkinson Ltd., department store, left, Richards Bros and Sons Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, rear

8Fitzwilliam Street roundabout before improvement, Richards Cutlery Works and Moore Street, left, Fitzwilliam Street, foreground, Thomas Street and shops, centres14398

Fitzwilliam Street roundabout before improvement, Richards Cutlery Works and Moore Street, left, Fitzwilliam Street, foreground, Thomas Street and shops, centre

9Henry Rossell and Co. Ltd., Waverley Works (right), Effingham Road taken from below the railway arch looking towards Effingam Street with Thos. W. Ward in the backgrounds15215

Henry Rossell and Co. Ltd., Waverley Works (right), Effingham Road taken from below the railway arch looking towards Effingam Street with Thos. W. Ward in the background

10Egerton Lane from Headford Street, Sykes Works (occupied by various companies including cutlery manufacturers) and B. Baines (Engineers) and Co.s15219

Egerton Lane from Headford Street, Sykes Works (occupied by various companies including cutlery manufacturers) and B. Baines (Engineers) and Co.

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