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1Heeley Electric Palace Cinema, London Roadph00321

Heeley Electric Palace Cinema, London Road

2Entrance to Heeley Electric Palace Cinema, London Roadph00322

Entrance to Heeley Electric Palace Cinema, London Road

3Wicker Picture House, Wicker with the Wicker Arches and Victoria Station in the backgrounds00180

Wicker Picture House, Wicker with the Wicker Arches and Victoria Station in the background

4Cinema House and City Hall in background, Barkers Pool, 1950-55, (Fargate extended to Pool Square until the 1960s when it became part of Barkers Pool)s00241

Cinema House and City Hall in background, Barkers Pool, 1950-55, (Fargate extended to Pool Square until the 1960s when it became part of Barkers Pool)

5Barker's Pool, Gaumont Cinema (previously known as The Regent) on rights00245

Barker's Pool, Gaumont Cinema (previously known as The Regent) on right

6Albert Hall, Barker's Pool, after the fire on 14th June 1937s01456

Albert Hall, Barker's Pool, after the fire on 14th June 1937

7Sunbeam Cinema, Barnsley Roads02690

Sunbeam Cinema, Barnsley Road

8Capitol Cinema, Barnsley Road, Sheffield Lane Tops02695

Capitol Cinema, Barnsley Road, Sheffield Lane Top

9Heeley Green Picture House, Gleadless Road. Opened 5th April 1920. Used as a theatre in 1930s, reverting back to a cinema in 1938. Closed 7th March 1959. Reopened under the name of the Tudor on 3 April 1961. Finally closed 1962 and became a bingo hals02716

Heeley Green Picture House, Gleadless Road. Opened 5th April 1920. Used as a theatre in 1930s, reverting back to a cinema in 1938. Closed 7th March 1959. Reopened under the name of the Tudor on 3 April 1961. Finally closed 1962 and became a bingo hal

10Staff from local cinemas await transport for a days outing, outside the News Theatre, Fitzalan Squares02766

Staff from local cinemas await transport for a days outing, outside the News Theatre, Fitzalan Square

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