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1Presentation of the honorary Freedom of the City, Victoria Hall, Norfolk Streetu13863

Presentation of the honorary Freedom of the City, Victoria Hall, Norfolk Street

2Clayton family group including Delila Claytont16387

Clayton family group including Delila Clayton

3Brown Bayleys Ltd., football teamt16346

Brown Bayleys Ltd., football team

4School of Art, Arundel Street. View into the antique room from the corridor by the central staircaseu13857

School of Art, Arundel Street. View into the antique room from the corridor by the central staircase

5Farmyard scene by John Gutteridge Sykes (1866 - 1941), a member of the Sheffield Society of Artistsu13855

Farmyard scene by John Gutteridge Sykes (1866 - 1941), a member of the Sheffield Society of Artists

6Western Road County School (latterly Westways Middle School), Western Roadu13881

Western Road County School (latterly Westways Middle School), Western Road

7Harold an unidentified 3 year oldt16347

Harold an unidentified 3 year old

8The Hawle in the Ponds (latterly the Old Queens Head public house No. 40 Pond Hill), painting by William Keelingu13858

The Hawle in the Ponds (latterly the Old Queens Head public house No. 40 Pond Hill), painting by William Keeling

9The Hawle in the Ponds (latterly the Old Queens Head public house No. 40 Pond Hill) painting by William Keelingu13859

The Hawle in the Ponds (latterly the Old Queens Head public house No. 40 Pond Hill) painting by William Keeling

10Exhibit by Green Lane Works in the hardware section of the Great Exhibition, London an engraving by J. Nashu13860

Exhibit by Green Lane Works in the hardware section of the Great Exhibition, London an engraving by J. Nash

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