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1Entrance, University Central Library, University of Sheffield, Western Bank, c.1962u13885

Entrance, University Central Library, University of Sheffield, Western Bank, c.1962

2Holywell service station and transport cafe, Hollwell Road showing (left) Brathay Roadu13886

Holywell service station and transport cafe, Hollwell Road showing (left) Brathay Road

3Unidentified views29702

Unidentified view

4Central Lending Library, Central Library, Surrey Street, showing M-Z chargeu13861

Central Lending Library, Central Library, Surrey Street, showing M-Z charge

5Darnall Old Hall, Main Road by F. Hallamu13851

Darnall Old Hall, Main Road by F. Hallam

6Presentation of the honorary Freedom of the City, Victoria Hall, Norfolk Streetu13863

Presentation of the honorary Freedom of the City, Victoria Hall, Norfolk Street

7School of Art, Arundel Street. View into the antique room from the corridor by the central staircaseu13857

School of Art, Arundel Street. View into the antique room from the corridor by the central staircase

8Farmyard scene by John Gutteridge Sykes (1866 - 1941), a member of the Sheffield Society of Artistsu13855

Farmyard scene by John Gutteridge Sykes (1866 - 1941), a member of the Sheffield Society of Artists

9Western Road County School (latterly Westways Middle School), Western Roadu13881

Western Road County School (latterly Westways Middle School), Western Road

10The Hawle in the Ponds (latterly the Old Queens Head public house No. 40 Pond Hill), painting by William Keelingu13858

The Hawle in the Ponds (latterly the Old Queens Head public house No. 40 Pond Hill), painting by William Keeling

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