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1Former petrol station, Nos. 753 - 759 Chesterfield Road at junction with (left) Olivet Road  t15791

Former petrol station, Nos. 753 - 759 Chesterfield Road at junction with (left) Olivet Road

2Shoe repairs shop, No. 868 Chesterfield Road at junction with (right) Holmhirst Road  t15792

Shoe repairs shop, No. 868 Chesterfield Road at junction with (right) Holmhirst Road

3Shops on Terminus Road, Millhouses, off (foreground) Abbeydale Road South showing Millhouses tram and bus terminust15793

Shops on Terminus Road, Millhouses, off (foreground) Abbeydale Road South showing Millhouses tram and bus terminus

4Shops on Chesterfield Road, Woodseats showing (l. to r.) No. 819 Woodseats Laundrette and Dry Cleaning Centre; No. 823 Phoenix Fish Bar and Nos. 825 - 827 Sam Salvin and Son, floristst15795

Shops on Chesterfield Road, Woodseats showing (l. to r.) No. 819 Woodseats Laundrette and Dry Cleaning Centre; No. 823 Phoenix Fish Bar and Nos. 825 - 827 Sam Salvin and Son, florists

5Reroofing Lloyds Bank, No. 771 Abbeydale Road at junction with (right) Grasmere Roadt15796

Reroofing Lloyds Bank, No. 771 Abbeydale Road at junction with (right) Grasmere Road

6Yeomans Army Stores, No. 698 Chesterfield Roadt15797

Yeomans Army Stores, No. 698 Chesterfield Road

7R. Armitt, butcher, No. 714 Chesterfield Roadt15798

R. Armitt, butcher, No. 714 Chesterfield Road

8Woodseats Superpet and dog grooming salon, No. 788 Chesterfield Roadt15799

Woodseats Superpet and dog grooming salon, No. 788 Chesterfield Road

9Tesco Supermarket, No. 685 Chesterfield Roadt15800

Tesco Supermarket, No. 685 Chesterfield Road

10Uncle Arthur's Toy Shop, No. 833 Chesterfield Roadt15801

Uncle Arthur's Toy Shop, No. 833 Chesterfield Road

Found 446 records.

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