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1Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) picket line during the strike at the Fiesta nightclub, Arundel Gatey15695

Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) picket line during the strike at the Fiesta nightclub, Arundel Gate

2Advertisement for Western Jean Company, No. 57 Fargatey15696

Advertisement for Western Jean Company, No. 57 Fargate

3Advertisement for The Himalaya Restaurant, No.13 Convent Walk (off Glossop Road)y15697

Advertisement for The Himalaya Restaurant, No.13 Convent Walk (off Glossop Road)

4Cartoon related to the Fiesta nightclub strike, Arundel Gatey15698

Cartoon related to the Fiesta nightclub strike, Arundel Gate

5Advertisement for Virgin Records, No. 137 The Moory15699

Advertisement for Virgin Records, No. 137 The Moor

6Traveller children at Attercliifey15700

Traveller children at Attercliife

7Advertisement for the Pregnancy Advisory Service, No. 276 Glossop Roady15701

Advertisement for the Pregnancy Advisory Service, No. 276 Glossop Road

8Advertisement for Violet May, record shop, No. 12 Matilda Streety15702

Advertisement for Violet May, record shop, No. 12 Matilda Street

9Advertisement for the Western Jean Company, No. 57 Fargatey15703

Advertisement for the Western Jean Company, No. 57 Fargate

10Advertisement for the world premiere of 'An Eye is Top Whack', a major musical based on the events surrounding the anniversary of the 1972 Miner's Strike, Crucible Theatre. Music by the Belt and Braces Roadshow Band y15704

Advertisement for the world premiere of 'An Eye is Top Whack', a major musical based on the events surrounding the anniversary of the 1972 Miner's Strike, Crucible Theatre. Music by the Belt and Braces Roadshow Band

Found 521 records.

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