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1Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch from Bochum, Germany seen here in the Peace Gardensa08762

Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch from Bochum, Germany seen here in the Peace Gardens

2Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch and Jagoda Josch from Bochum, Germany to the Rhubard Shed Cafe, No. 389 Manor Lanea08763

Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch and Jagoda Josch from Bochum, Germany to the Rhubard Shed Cafe, No. 389 Manor Lane

3Sheffield Manor Lodge, Turret Housea08764

Sheffield Manor Lodge, Turret House

4Sheffield Manor Lodgea08765

Sheffield Manor Lodge

5Sheffield Manor Lodge, Turret Housea08766

Sheffield Manor Lodge, Turret House

6Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch (6th left) and Jagoda Josch (4th left) from Bochum, Germany, with historical reenactors at Sheffield Manor Lodgea08768

Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch (6th left) and Jagoda Josch (4th left) from Bochum, Germany, with historical reenactors at Sheffield Manor Lodge

7Historic re-enactment at Sheffield Manor Lodgea08767

Historic re-enactment at Sheffield Manor Lodge

8Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch and Jagoda Josch from Bochum, Germany, with historical reenactors at Sheffield Manor Lodgea08769

Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch and Jagoda Josch from Bochum, Germany, with historical reenactors at Sheffield Manor Lodge

9Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch (5th left) and Jagoda Josch (2nd left) from Bochum, Germany to meet historical characters at Sheffield Manor Lodge, No. 389 Manor Lanea08771

Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch (5th left) and Jagoda Josch (2nd left) from Bochum, Germany to meet historical characters at Sheffield Manor Lodge, No. 389 Manor Lane

10Visit of Sheffield Lord Mayor, Councillor Colin Ross (3rd left) and Lady Mayoress (2nd left), Mrs Ross to Sheffield's twin-city ochum, Germanya08772

Visit of Sheffield Lord Mayor, Councillor Colin Ross (3rd left) and Lady Mayoress (2nd left), Mrs Ross to Sheffield's twin-city ochum, Germany

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