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1Kilsun Blinds, blind manufacturers, Sun Works, Nos. 226 - 228 Duke Street showing (back) Park Hill Flatst15718

Kilsun Blinds, blind manufacturers, Sun Works, Nos. 226 - 228 Duke Street showing (back) Park Hill Flats

2Childrens World, No. 200 Eyre Streett15719

Childrens World, No. 200 Eyre Street

3HM Revenue and Customs, Concept House, No. 5 Young Street t15720

HM Revenue and Customs, Concept House, No. 5 Young Street

4Hill Street looking towards Arnold Laver and Co. Ltd., Timberworld, Bramall Lanet15721

Hill Street looking towards Arnold Laver and Co. Ltd., Timberworld, Bramall Lane

5Former site W. Tyzak, Sons, and Turner Ltd. (latterly the Broadfield Business Park), Little London Roadt15722

Former site W. Tyzak, Sons, and Turner Ltd. (latterly the Broadfield Business Park), Little London Road

6Former site W. Tyzak, Sons, and Turner Ltd. (latterly the Broadfield Business Park), Little London Roadt15723

Former site W. Tyzak, Sons, and Turner Ltd. (latterly the Broadfield Business Park), Little London Road

7Signage for Sheaf Market from Park Squaret15724

Signage for Sheaf Market from Park Square

8Sheaf Market from Park Square showing (top left) Wilko (Wilkinsons), Nos. 34 - 36 Haymarket, (centre left) Broad Street car parkt15725

Sheaf Market from Park Square showing (top left) Wilko (Wilkinsons), Nos. 34 - 36 Haymarket, (centre left) Broad Street car park

9Derelict Sheaf Market stallst15726

Derelict Sheaf Market stalls

10Derelict Sheaf Market stall showing Dressflair, ladies fashionst15727

Derelict Sheaf Market stall showing Dressflair, ladies fashions

Found 559 records.

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