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1Visit of Sheffield Lord Mayor, Councillor Colin Ross (3rd right) and Lady Mayoress (4th right), Mrs Ross to Bochum, Germany a08773

Visit of Sheffield Lord Mayor, Councillor Colin Ross (3rd right) and Lady Mayoress (4th right), Mrs Ross to Bochum, Germany

2Box Sheffield, sports bar and kitchen, Nos. 19 - 21 Barker's Pool and junction with (right) Burgess Streeta08863

Box Sheffield, sports bar and kitchen, Nos. 19 - 21 Barker's Pool and junction with (right) Burgess Street

3Inscription below the Covid Pandemic memorial tree, Balm Greena08864

Inscription below the Covid Pandemic memorial tree, Balm Green

4Wildlife mural by Peachzz on side of the Cubo building overlooking Pound's Park, Carver Streeta08865

Wildlife mural by Peachzz on side of the Cubo building overlooking Pound's Park, Carver Street

5The Art House and Gallery at St. Matthews and (right) St. Matthew C. of E. Church, Carver Streeta08867

The Art House and Gallery at St. Matthews and (right) St. Matthew C. of E. Church, Carver Street

6The Art House and Gallery at St. Matthews (St. Matthew C. of E. Church), Carver Streeta08868

The Art House and Gallery at St. Matthews (St. Matthew C. of E. Church), Carver Street

7Plaque celebrating the opening of Charter Squarea08866

Plaque celebrating the opening of Charter Square

8Elshaw House, offices, Wellington Streeta08869

Elshaw House, offices, Wellington Street

9CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP,  international lawyers, Nos. 1 - 3 Charter Squarea08870

CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP, international lawyers, Nos. 1 - 3 Charter Square

10The Furnace, restaurant, Heart of the City 2, Charter Squarea08871

The Furnace, restaurant, Heart of the City 2, Charter Square

Found 563 records.

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