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1Castle Street looking towards the junction with Haymarket showing (top centre) Castle Market and (right) Brightside and Carbrook Cooperative Society, Castle Houset15683

Castle Street looking towards the junction with Haymarket showing (top centre) Castle Market and (right) Brightside and Carbrook Cooperative Society, Castle House

2Probably Meersbrook Avenue looking towards the City Centret15684

Probably Meersbrook Avenue looking towards the City Centre

3Former site of Woodside Brick Co. Ltd.,  brick and tile makers (latterly occupied by Homebase and Dunelm Soft Furnishings Ltd.), Chesterfield Roadt15685

Former site of Woodside Brick Co. Ltd., brick and tile makers (latterly occupied by Homebase and Dunelm Soft Furnishings Ltd.), Chesterfield Road

4Sheaf Street showing (centre right) the Sheffield Midland Railway Station and (top right) Park Hill Flats t15686

Sheaf Street showing (centre right) the Sheffield Midland Railway Station and (top right) Park Hill Flats

5Watson's Walk, alley from Angel Street to Hartsheadt15687

Watson's Walk, alley from Angel Street to Hartshead

6Cannon 1- 2 Cinema, Angel Streett15688

Cannon 1- 2 Cinema, Angel Street

7Chesterfield Road from the junction of Little London Road showing (centre) No. 65 National Westminster Bankt15689

Chesterfield Road from the junction of Little London Road showing (centre) No. 65 National Westminster Bank

8Shops on Chesterfield Road showing (l. to r.) Autoparts; Peter Graham; No. 29 Rails, model railway shop; No. 33 Maureen's Brides, bridal wear and No. 37 Alliance and Leicester Building Society  t15690

Shops on Chesterfield Road showing (l. to r.) Autoparts; Peter Graham; No. 29 Rails, model railway shop; No. 33 Maureen's Brides, bridal wear and No. 37 Alliance and Leicester Building Society

9Shops on Chesterfield Road showing (left) Nos. 97 - 99 City Saunat15691

Shops on Chesterfield Road showing (left) Nos. 97 - 99 City Sauna

10Talbot Silverware Ltd., electro platers and silversmiths, Talbot Works, No. 18 Valley Roadt15692

Talbot Silverware Ltd., electro platers and silversmiths, Talbot Works, No. 18 Valley Road

Found 460 records.

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