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1Carved stonework, Yorkshire Bank, Fargatet15623

Carved stonework, Yorkshire Bank, Fargate

2Carved stonework, Yorkshire Bank, Fargatet15624

Carved stonework, Yorkshire Bank, Fargate

3Hanover Way looking towards (right) Safeway supermarket and Lancaster Europa, car dealerst15625

Hanover Way looking towards (right) Safeway supermarket and Lancaster Europa, car dealers

4Abbeydale Girls Grammar School, off Abbeydale Roadt15626

Abbeydale Girls Grammar School, off Abbeydale Road

5Derelict Holt House, off Abbeydale Road, Millhousest15627

Derelict Holt House, off Abbeydale Road, Millhouses

6Derelict Holt House, off Abbeydale Road, Millhousest15628

Derelict Holt House, off Abbeydale Road, Millhouses

7Telephone exchange, Eldon House, Charter Rowt15629

Telephone exchange, Eldon House, Charter Row

8Hallam IDF [intermediate distribution frame], Telephone exchange, Eldon House, Charter Rowt15630

Hallam IDF [intermediate distribution frame], Telephone exchange, Eldon House, Charter Row

9Hallam CSSI [Console Subsystem Interface] equipment, Telephone exchange, 3rd floor, Eldon House, Charter Rowt15631

Hallam CSSI [Console Subsystem Interface] equipment, Telephone exchange, 3rd floor, Eldon House, Charter Row

10Transit exchange equipment, Telephone exchange, 3rd floor, Eldon House, Charter Rowt15632

Transit exchange equipment, Telephone exchange, 3rd floor, Eldon House, Charter Row

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