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1Former public lavatories, Abbey Lanet15564

Former public lavatories, Abbey Lane

2Remains of Wycliffe Independent Church, Hickmott Road t15565

Remains of Wycliffe Independent Church, Hickmott Road

3National County Rounders Final, Don Valley Stadiumt15566

National County Rounders Final, Don Valley Stadium

4Nos. 26 - 20 (l. to r.) Hutcliffe Wood Road showing No. 22 Figaro's, hairdresserst15567

Nos. 26 - 20 (l. to r.) Hutcliffe Wood Road showing No. 22 Figaro's, hairdressers

5Shops on Abbey Lane near the junction with Meadowhead and Chesterfield Road showing Nos. 14 -16 Homes and Gardens DIY; No. 12a Abbey Cards; No. 12 David Moore Studios and No.2 The Brew Mart, home brewing shopt15568

Shops on Abbey Lane near the junction with Meadowhead and Chesterfield Road showing Nos. 14 -16 Homes and Gardens DIY; No. 12a Abbey Cards; No. 12 David Moore Studios and No.2 The Brew Mart, home brewing shop

6Abbey Lane, No. 28 Lloyds Chemist and No. 26 Needham and Martin, stationers and office suppliest15569

Abbey Lane, No. 28 Lloyds Chemist and No. 26 Needham and Martin, stationers and office supplies

7Terminus Road, Millhouses, off Abbeydale Road South showing Millhouses bus and old tram terminus t15570

Terminus Road, Millhouses, off Abbeydale Road South showing Millhouses bus and old tram terminus

8Paddling pool / lido, Millhouses Parkt15571

Paddling pool / lido, Millhouses Park

9Abbey Lane at the junction of Mitchell Road showing DG Autos, car repairers and Abigails, cafe, No. 20 Abbey Lanet15572

Abbey Lane at the junction of Mitchell Road showing DG Autos, car repairers and Abigails, cafe, No. 20 Abbey Lane

10Abbey Lane at the junction of Mitchell Road showing unidentified chiropodists; DG Autos, car repairers; Abbey Mouldings and Abbey Cafe (previously Abigails), cafe, No. 20 Abbey Lanet15573

Abbey Lane at the junction of Mitchell Road showing unidentified chiropodists; DG Autos, car repairers; Abbey Mouldings and Abbey Cafe (previously Abigails), cafe, No. 20 Abbey Lane

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