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1Site of proposed East End Park, Attercliffe Commont15541

Site of proposed East End Park, Attercliffe Common

2Junction of Maltravers Street and (right) Effingham Lane and Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation showing (left) Sheaf Houset15544

Junction of Maltravers Street and (right) Effingham Lane and Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation showing (left) Sheaf House

3Effingham Lane looking towards Effingham Street railway bridget15545

Effingham Lane looking towards Effingham Street railway bridge

4Former premises of Thomas Turton and Sons, Sheaf Works, Maltravers Streett15546

Former premises of Thomas Turton and Sons, Sheaf Works, Maltravers Street

5Archway, Sovereign House, offices, No. 110 Queen Streett15547

Archway, Sovereign House, offices, No. 110 Queen Street

6Effingham Lanet15548

Effingham Lane

7J.W. Thornton, confectioner, Archer Road at the junction of (foreground) Ulverston Roadt15549

J.W. Thornton, confectioner, Archer Road at the junction of (foreground) Ulverston Road

8J.W. Thornton, confectioner, Archer Roadt15550

J.W. Thornton, confectioner, Archer Road

9Rydal Roadt15551

Rydal Road

10Sorby Streett15552

Sorby Street

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