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1Steps leading to the monk's well at Beauchief Abbeyt15508

Steps leading to the monk's well at Beauchief Abbey

2View from Steel City Plaza offices showing (top) Campo Lane and St. James House, offices and (right) Townhead Street and (left) the rear of houses on Hawley Streett15509

View from Steel City Plaza offices showing (top) Campo Lane and St. James House, offices and (right) Townhead Street and (left) the rear of houses on Hawley Street

3Hartshead looking towards Hartshead Squaret15510

Hartshead looking towards Hartshead Square

4Dove and Rainbow Tavern, Hartshead t15511

Dove and Rainbow Tavern, Hartshead

5Hartshead showing (left) Midland Bank and (right) Dove and Rainbow Tavernt15512

Hartshead showing (left) Midland Bank and (right) Dove and Rainbow Tavern

6Foundation stone on Sir Frederick Mappin building, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street and junction of (right) Portobello Streett15513

Foundation stone on Sir Frederick Mappin building, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street and junction of (right) Portobello Street

7Rear of offices, Hartshead looking towards Radio Hallam studiost15514

Rear of offices, Hartshead looking towards Radio Hallam studios

8Broad Lane from Steel City Plaza offices showing (top left) Nos. 116 - 126 Sheffield Magnet Company, magnet manufacturerst15515

Broad Lane from Steel City Plaza offices showing (top left) Nos. 116 - 126 Sheffield Magnet Company, magnet manufacturers

9Unidentified building, Portobellot15516

Unidentified building, Portobello

10Footpath off Archer Road at the side of former Laycock Engineering Co. Ltd.t15517

Footpath off Archer Road at the side of former Laycock Engineering Co. Ltd.

Found 563 records.

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