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1World War Two poster - If you are bombed out and have no friends to go to ask a policeman or your warden where to find your rest centrey15967

World War Two poster - If you are bombed out and have no friends to go to ask a policeman or your warden where to find your rest centre

2World War Two poster - This is a Rest Centrey15968

World War Two poster - This is a Rest Centre

3World War Two poster - For help and information go to Main Information Centre, Central Libraryy15969

World War Two poster - For help and information go to Main Information Centre, Central Library

4Food Production Show prize distribution showing (2nd right)  Alderman William Ernest Yorke with (4th left) Mr R. Armitage, winner of the Boots Cup and (2nd left) Mr A. May, winner of the Federation Cup arc07795

Food Production Show prize distribution showing (2nd right) Alderman William Ernest Yorke with (4th left) Mr R. Armitage, winner of the Boots Cup and (2nd left) Mr A. May, winner of the Federation Cup

5Group at the Abbeydale Dinner showing (2nd left) Rev. Kenneth Fox, (2nd right) Sir Geoffrey Ellis [Sir Robert Geoffrey Ellis (1874-1956), MP for Ecclesall, and (1st right) Mr H. Tuckarc07796

Group at the Abbeydale Dinner showing (2nd left) Rev. Kenneth Fox, (2nd right) Sir Geoffrey Ellis [Sir Robert Geoffrey Ellis (1874-1956), MP for Ecclesall, and (1st right) Mr H. Tuck

6Formal garden at the Endcliffe Show [Endcliffe Park]arc07800

Formal garden at the Endcliffe Show [Endcliffe Park]

7Refreshments vehicle at the Endcliffe Show [Endcliffe Park] showing (1st left) Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JParc07801

Refreshments vehicle at the Endcliffe Show [Endcliffe Park] showing (1st left) Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP

8Front cover of souvenir programe for a production of the' Messiah', at the [Stocksbridge Works] Victory Club Hall, Stocksbridge, featuring the Pennine Choir, the Stocksbridge Works Social Services Orchestray15924

Front cover of souvenir programe for a production of the' Messiah', at the [Stocksbridge Works] Victory Club Hall, Stocksbridge, featuring the Pennine Choir, the Stocksbridge Works Social Services Orchestra

9Dr  W. M. Robertshaw, musical conductor [c.1946]y15925

Dr W. M. Robertshaw, musical conductor [c.1946]

10371 Hillsborough ATC (Air Training Corps), 1st Shield winners, 1941 - 1942v05290

371 Hillsborough ATC (Air Training Corps), 1st Shield winners, 1941 - 1942

Found 1136 records.

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