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1Advertisement for donors for the Blood Transfusion Servicey15741

Advertisement for donors for the Blood Transfusion Service

2Avertisement for Crookesmoor Rights and Advice Centre (CRAC), No. 203 Springvale Roady15742

Avertisement for Crookesmoor Rights and Advice Centre (CRAC), No. 203 Springvale Road

3Advertisement for the Pregnancy Advisory Service, No. 276 Glossop Roady15743

Advertisement for the Pregnancy Advisory Service, No. 276 Glossop Road

4Advertisement for the activities and organisations associated with the Troops Out [of Northern Ireland] including the United Troops Out Movement, the National United Troops Out Movement and the Women and Ireland Groupy15744

Advertisement for the activities and organisations associated with the Troops Out [of Northern Ireland] including the United Troops Out Movement, the National United Troops Out Movement and the Women and Ireland Group

5Advertisement for Record Collector, record shop, No. 233 Fulwood Roady15745

Advertisement for Record Collector, record shop, No. 233 Fulwood Road

6Advertisement for Folk Music venues in Sheffieldy15746

Advertisement for Folk Music venues in Sheffield

7Advertisement for the White Lion public house, No. 615 London Road, Heeleyy15747

Advertisement for the White Lion public house, No. 615 London Road, Heeley

8Abbey Glen Laundryy15748

Abbey Glen Laundry

9Advertisement for the Anti Nazi League and Rock Against Racismy15749

Advertisement for the Anti Nazi League and Rock Against Racism

10Cartoon relating to Sheffield's shopping list to the Department of Environment for Inner City projectsy15750

Cartoon relating to Sheffield's shopping list to the Department of Environment for Inner City projects

Found 1223 records.

Page of 123.