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1Advertisement for Sheffield Women's Voice Group, women's liberation and socialismy15731

Advertisement for Sheffield Women's Voice Group, women's liberation and socialism

2Hunger strikers in St. Marie's RC Church, Norfolk Row protesting in support of Chilean refugeesy15732

Hunger strikers in St. Marie's RC Church, Norfolk Row protesting in support of Chilean refugees

3Children at play at Langsetty15733

Children at play at Langsett

4Langsett Advice Centre, Creswick Street, Walkleyy15734

Langsett Advice Centre, Creswick Street, Walkley

5Advertisement for Anti Racism activities and organisations in Sheffield y15735

Advertisement for Anti Racism activities and organisations in Sheffield

6Advertisement for Gay Pride activities and organisations in Sheffield including Sheffield Campaign for Homosexual Equality, Gay Pride Week and the Gay Pride March (London)y15736

Advertisement for Gay Pride activities and organisations in Sheffield including Sheffield Campaign for Homosexual Equality, Gay Pride Week and the Gay Pride March (London)

7Advertisement for women's activities and organisations in Sheffieldy15737

Advertisement for women's activities and organisations in Sheffield

8John Judge, secretary of the Sheffield Branch of the National Fronty15738

John Judge, secretary of the Sheffield Branch of the National Front

9Cartoon depicting the turning down of the Campaign for Homosexual  Equality's (CHE) application to the Libraries and Arts Committee to have 'Gay News' displayed in the Central Libraryy15739

Cartoon depicting the turning down of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality's (CHE) application to the Libraries and Arts Committee to have 'Gay News' displayed in the Central Library

10Library at the Northern College, Wentworth Castle, near Barnsleyy15740

Library at the Northern College, Wentworth Castle, near Barnsley

Found 1223 records.

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