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1Ordnance Survey Map (1:500): Sheet No. Yorkshire 294.8.3q00105

Ordnance Survey Map (1:500): Sheet No. Yorkshire 294.8.3

2Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.8.5q00107

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.8.5

3Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.8.13q00108

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.8.13

4The Hawle in the Ponds (latterly the Old Queens Head public house No. 40 Pond Hill), painting by William Keelingu13858

The Hawle in the Ponds (latterly the Old Queens Head public house No. 40 Pond Hill), painting by William Keeling

5The Hawle in the Ponds (latterly the Old Queens Head public house No. 40 Pond Hill) painting by William Keelingu13859

The Hawle in the Ponds (latterly the Old Queens Head public house No. 40 Pond Hill) painting by William Keeling

6Exhibit by Green Lane Works in the hardware section of the Great Exhibition, London an engraving by J. Nashu13860

Exhibit by Green Lane Works in the hardware section of the Great Exhibition, London an engraving by J. Nash

7Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.14q00109

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.14

8St. Mark C. of E. Church, Broomfield Road, Broomhillu13850

St. Mark C. of E. Church, Broomfield Road, Broomhill

9Cathedral Church of SS. Peter and Paulu13854

Cathedral Church of SS. Peter and Paul

10View of Beauchief Abbey, an engraving by S. and N. Bucku13856

View of Beauchief Abbey, an engraving by S. and N. Buck

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