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1The Royal Victoria Station Hotelt15658

The Royal Victoria Station Hotel

2Nursery Street from The Wicker showing derelict Nos. 4 - 12 The Wicker, formerly The Lion Hotel and the Grosvenor guest house and latterly the Riverside Court Hotelt15659

Nursery Street from The Wicker showing derelict Nos. 4 - 12 The Wicker, formerly The Lion Hotel and the Grosvenor guest house and latterly the Riverside Court Hotel

3Former premises of John Watts (Sheffield and London) Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, Lambert Works, Lambert Streett15660

Former premises of John Watts (Sheffield and London) Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, Lambert Works, Lambert Street

4The Wicker showing (l. to r.), including Nos. 9 - 11 Famous Army Stores and No. 17 The Big Gun public houset15661

The Wicker showing (l. to r.), including Nos. 9 - 11 Famous Army Stores and No. 17 The Big Gun public house

5Hancock and Lant, Cut Price Carpets, Blonk Streett15662

Hancock and Lant, Cut Price Carpets, Blonk Street

6Spear and Jackson, Aetna Works, manufactures of saws, knives and tool steels, Savile Street Eastt15663

Spear and Jackson, Aetna Works, manufactures of saws, knives and tool steels, Savile Street East

7Walter Spencer and Co. Ltd., steel, file, twist drill and cutter manufacturers, Crescent Steel Works, Warren Street t15664

Walter Spencer and Co. Ltd., steel, file, twist drill and cutter manufacturers, Crescent Steel Works, Warren Street

8Former premises of Carter and Sons Ltd., manufacturing chemists, Attercliffe Roadt15665

Former premises of Carter and Sons Ltd., manufacturing chemists, Attercliffe Road

9Performance of 'One Reputedly Glamorous Woman', directed by James Nuttgens, starring Susan Brown (Ruth) and Peter Biddle at the Crucible Studio Theatre, Tudor Squareu13864

Performance of 'One Reputedly Glamorous Woman', directed by James Nuttgens, starring Susan Brown (Ruth) and Peter Biddle at the Crucible Studio Theatre, Tudor Square

10Sheffield Cathedral, Church Street from Fargateu13879

Sheffield Cathedral, Church Street from Fargate

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