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1River Porter from Pear Streett15647

River Porter from Pear Street

2Shops on High Court showing (left) Caesars Hair and No. 8a Rebina Shoest15648

Shops on High Court showing (left) Caesars Hair and No. 8a Rebina Shoes

3Zion Congregational Chapel, Zion Lane, Attercliffet15649

Zion Congregational Chapel, Zion Lane, Attercliffe

4Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., Rutland Works, Rutland Roadt15650

Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., Rutland Works, Rutland Road

5Former Royal Lancers public house, Nos. 66 - 68 Penistone Road and junction of Dixon Streett15651

Former Royal Lancers public house, Nos. 66 - 68 Penistone Road and junction of Dixon Street

6Furnace Hillt15652

Furnace Hill

7Derelict site of James Neill and Co. (Sheffield) Ltd., tool manufacturers, Harrow Streett15653

Derelict site of James Neill and Co. (Sheffield) Ltd., tool manufacturers, Harrow Street

8Derelict buildings at the bottom of Cemetery Road alongside Sheffield and Ecclesall Cooperative storet15654

Derelict buildings at the bottom of Cemetery Road alongside Sheffield and Ecclesall Cooperative store

9No. 48 SADACCA (Sheffield and District African Caribbean Community Association) (originally Samuel Osborn and Co. offices) and No. 42 P. J. Sisman, electrical store, and Afro-West Indian Hair Sylistt15655

No. 48 SADACCA (Sheffield and District African Caribbean Community Association) (originally Samuel Osborn and Co. offices) and No. 42 P. J. Sisman, electrical store, and Afro-West Indian Hair Sylist

10Former Samuel Osborn and Co., Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Street and junction with (left) The Wickert15656

Former Samuel Osborn and Co., Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Street and junction with (left) The Wicker

Found 1289 records.

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