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1Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall at a concert given for patients by Fir Vale House nurses and clerical staffarc07612

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall at a concert given for patients by Fir Vale House nurses and clerical staff

2New Year Concert given for patients by Fir Vale House nurses and clerical staffarc07613

New Year Concert given for patients by Fir Vale House nurses and clerical staff

3Rajarm Ramji Bhole from Bombay [later Mumbai], India a visiting lecturer on the Indian war effort, meeting Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP, Vickers Works, English Steel Corporationarc07614

Rajarm Ramji Bhole from Bombay [later Mumbai], India a visiting lecturer on the Indian war effort, meeting Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP, Vickers Works, English Steel Corporation

4Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall entertaining orphan children in the City Hall ballroom arc07615

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall entertaining orphan children in the City Hall ballroom

5Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP attending a billiards and snooker exhibition, Wharncliffe Hotel, No. 127 Bevercotes Road, Firth Parkarc07616

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP attending a billiards and snooker exhibition, Wharncliffe Hotel, No. 127 Bevercotes Road, Firth Park

6Members of the Chinese Goodwill Mission to Sheffieldarc07617

Members of the Chinese Goodwill Mission to Sheffield

7Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP meeting Wang Yun-Wu, a member of the Chinese Mission to Sheffieldarc07618

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP meeting Wang Yun-Wu, a member of the Chinese Mission to Sheffield

8Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP accompanying members of the Chinese Mission to Sheffield to Samuel Fox and Company Ltd., Stocksbridge Works, Stocksbridgearc07619

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP accompanying members of the Chinese Mission to Sheffield to Samuel Fox and Company Ltd., Stocksbridge Works, Stocksbridge

9Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP meeting Lt..Colonel W. F. Marshall C. O. [Commanding Officer], US Armyarc07620

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP meeting Lt..Colonel W. F. Marshall C. O. [Commanding Officer], US Army

10Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP at an ARP (Air Raid Protection) quiz, Sheffield v. Barnsleyarc07622

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP at an ARP (Air Raid Protection) quiz, Sheffield v. Barnsley

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