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1Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall spectating at a bowls match at Fir Vale House (Fir Vale Hospital)arc07729

Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall spectating at a bowls match at Fir Vale House (Fir Vale Hospital)

2Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall presenting a christening spoon to Christine Anne Mortimer, an evacuee who is their godchild, at a ceremony in Lord Mayor's Parlour, Town Hall, Pinstone Streetarc07730

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall presenting a christening spoon to Christine Anne Mortimer, an evacuee who is their godchild, at a ceremony in Lord Mayor's Parlour, Town Hall, Pinstone Street

3Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP (1st right) and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall (1st left) meeting Mr and Mrs R. Mather of No. 17 Rampton Road, Sharrow on the occasion of their Diamond Wedding anniversaryarc07731

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP (1st right) and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall (1st left) meeting Mr and Mrs R. Mather of No. 17 Rampton Road, Sharrow on the occasion of their Diamond Wedding anniversary

4Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP (1st left) and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall (3rd right) presenting an illuminated copy of the Council's resolution to Mr J. K. Swales on his retirement as the waterworks manager and general engineerarc07732

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP (1st left) and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall (3rd right) presenting an illuminated copy of the Council's resolution to Mr J. K. Swales on his retirement as the waterworks manager and general engineer

5Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall visiting Darwins Ltd., Fitzwilliam Works, Sheffield Road, Tinsleyarc07733

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall visiting Darwins Ltd., Fitzwilliam Works, Sheffield Road, Tinsley

6Presentation of a cheque to the Red Cross Fund from Mr A. Silver of the Sheffield Butchers' Association showing the Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall in attendance at the Memorial Hall, City Hallarc07734

Presentation of a cheque to the Red Cross Fund from Mr A. Silver of the Sheffield Butchers' Association showing the Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall in attendance at the Memorial Hall, City Hall

7Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall visiting the workshops of the Sheffield Institute for the Blind, Grange Crescentarc07735

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall visiting the workshops of the Sheffield Institute for the Blind, Grange Crescent

8Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall with (right) Mr Tom Williams MP at the opening of the Sheffield Food Production Show, Endcliffe Parkarc07736

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall with (right) Mr Tom Williams MP at the opening of the Sheffield Food Production Show, Endcliffe Park

9 Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP (sitting) seen handing his contribution to divisional warden, George B. Rhodes (Southern Division) towards the National Civil Defence Welfare Fundarc07737

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP (sitting) seen handing his contribution to divisional warden, George B. Rhodes (Southern Division) towards the National Civil Defence Welfare Fund

10Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall with (3rd left front) General Julien Flipo of the Free French Forces ('Fighting French') at the presentation of a vase from the liberated town of Bapaume, Francearc07738

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall with (3rd left front) General Julien Flipo of the Free French Forces ('Fighting French') at the presentation of a vase from the liberated town of Bapaume, France

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