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1Bricked up window on building, Green Lanet15442

Bricked up window on building, Green Lane

2Former premises of James Dixon and Sons, Cornish Place Works, Ball Streett15443

Former premises of James Dixon and Sons, Cornish Place Works, Ball Street

3Dixon Pitchfork Ltd. (latterly Istikbal, furniture store), wholesale manufacturing confectioners, Nos. 290 - 300 Broadfield Roadt15444

Dixon Pitchfork Ltd. (latterly Istikbal, furniture store), wholesale manufacturing confectioners, Nos. 290 - 300 Broadfield Road

4Rear of Cornish Street from Waterloo Walk showing (top centre) former premises of James Dixon and Sons, Cornish Place Workst15445

Rear of Cornish Street from Waterloo Walk showing (top centre) former premises of James Dixon and Sons, Cornish Place Works

5Derelict premises at the junction of (left) Bedale Road and (foreground) Abbeydale Road (site latterly occupied by  No. 455 Tesco Express supermarket and No. 457 Barnardo's, charity shop, Abbeydale Road)t15446

Derelict premises at the junction of (left) Bedale Road and (foreground) Abbeydale Road (site latterly occupied by No. 455 Tesco Express supermarket and No. 457 Barnardo's, charity shop, Abbeydale Road)

6Former premises of James Dixon and Sons, Cornish Place Works from Ball Street Bridget15447

Former premises of James Dixon and Sons, Cornish Place Works from Ball Street Bridge

7Marriott Road, Millhousest15448

Marriott Road, Millhouses

8Former Neepsend Rolling Mills Ltd., steel rollers, Neepsend Lane t15450

Former Neepsend Rolling Mills Ltd., steel rollers, Neepsend Lane

9Junction of (forerground) Rutland Road and (left) Neepsend Lanet15451

Junction of (forerground) Rutland Road and (left) Neepsend Lane

10Junction of (forerground) Hutcliffe Wood Road and (back) Archer Roadt15452

Junction of (forerground) Hutcliffe Wood Road and (back) Archer Road

Found 758 records.

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