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1Fire Brigades Union members on strike for better payy15721

Fire Brigades Union members on strike for better pay

2Advertisement for UJAMMA, craft and book shop, No. 341 Glossop Roady15722

Advertisement for UJAMMA, craft and book shop, No. 341 Glossop Road

3Protest against the 'Heeley by pass' organised by the Heeley Residents Association and the Sharrow Action Groupy15723

Protest against the 'Heeley by pass' organised by the Heeley Residents Association and the Sharrow Action Group

4Public meeting organised by the Heeley Residents Association opposing the proposed 'Heeley by pass', Memorial Hall, City Hally15724

Public meeting organised by the Heeley Residents Association opposing the proposed 'Heeley by pass', Memorial Hall, City Hall

5Tenants Federation meetingy15725

Tenants Federation meeting

6Problems with Council housing repairs on the Carwood housing estatey15726

Problems with Council housing repairs on the Carwood housing estate

7Advertisement for Down to Earth, wholefood collective, No. 406 Sharrowvale Road: 'beans, grains and other wholefoods'y15727

Advertisement for Down to Earth, wholefood collective, No. 406 Sharrowvale Road: 'beans, grains and other wholefoods'

8Advertisement for the Brick Rabbit Cafe, vegetarian wholefood, No.48 Langsett Roady15728

Advertisement for the Brick Rabbit Cafe, vegetarian wholefood, No.48 Langsett Road

9Advertisement for the Sheffield District of the Socialist Workers Partyy15729

Advertisement for the Sheffield District of the Socialist Workers Party

10Banner outside St. Marie's RC Church, Norfolk Row in support of Chilean refugeesy15730

Banner outside St. Marie's RC Church, Norfolk Row in support of Chilean refugees

Found 1412 records.

Page of 142.